exploring marine life though underwater galleries at haptic & oslo works' ethical fjordarium

exploring marine life though underwater galleries at haptic & oslo works' ethical fjordarium

Haptic ARCHITECTS and Oslo Works design ‘Fjordarium’


Haptic Architects and Oslo Works have revealed designs for the regeneration of Fornebu Brygge, a waterfront location outside central Oslo. The project aims to convert a previously unused parking lot into a sustainable touristic hub for leading ocean industries, marking the first time the designs have been made public. Spanning 45,000 square meters, the development includes a visitor attraction known as the ‘Fjordarium’, a sustainable aquarium with underwater galleries offering stunning views of marine life and a focus on exploring the fjord’s future. In addition, the proposed plan will incorporate a marine center, a water sports center, restaurants and cafes, and a new ferry terminal, all nestled within a newly transformed waterfront landscape.


The project is a key component of the wider peninsula’s urban development, which includes new residential areas, office buildings, and social and cultural amenities, with the aim of building a sustainable future for the new district and the municipality of Bærum, and playing a positive role in the future of the fjord’s ecosystem and the wider global blue economy, as described by Francis Brekke, Managing Partner of Oslo Works.

exploring marine life though underwater galleries at haptic & oslo works' ethical fjordarium

all renderings © Aesthetica Studio



DISCOVERING and showcasing marine life


The design proposal for Fornebu Brygge by Haptic Architects (see more here) and Oslo Works (more here) is divided into three distinct zones, Fjord, Wharf, and Urban, each with unique architecture and scale to create a diverse and dynamic development. Commissioned by developer Selvaag and investor We Are Human (here), the project would offer a range of waterfront activities and opportunities, serving as a hub for innovation in marine life conservation, sustainable food, and energy production, and green ocean transport solutions.


Fjord is envisioned as the educational heart of the development and will feature the Fjordarium, a facility that offers visitors an immersive experience with direct views into the fjord. This area will also house a restaurant and bar, gallery and event spaces, research labs, workspaces for researchers, and teaching rooms both above and below water. The Wharf, located along the shoreline, is envisioned as an innovation hub featuring low-rise workshops and conference facilities spanning one to three stories, as well as floating saunas. The Urban zone, situated slightly away from the water, comprises mid-rise workspaces spanning one to nine floors. The ground floor levels are activated for public use and connected by a network of public spaces and a quayside promenade. The structure is built to withstand the fjord’s waves and currents and incorporate natural light into the underwater spaces. The Fjordarium will focus on solutions to cleaning the heavily polluted Oslofjord, offering unique exposure to the fjord’s challenges and solutions.

exploring marine life though underwater galleries at haptic & oslo works' ethical fjordarium
Fjordarium offers visitors an immersive experience with direct views into the fjord


The municipality of Fornebu aims to create a carbon-neutral development, and the buildings within the proposed scheme are primarily constructed from timber and carbon-neutral concrete to align with this goal. Moreover, the project, in collaboration with Nordic Circles, explores the possibility of utilizing marine steel from decommissioned oil rigs, ships, and oil pipes as structural and non-structural elements in the new buildings.


Tomas Stokke, Co-founder and director Haptic, commented: ‘Working with Oslo Works our redesign for this waterside location looks to bring a cultural offering to this evolving neighbourhood, and create an innovation district that will attract everyone from marine scientists and ocean entrepreneurs to local people and school children.’

exploring marine life though underwater galleries at haptic & oslo works' ethical fjordarium
the building is created to withstand the fjord’s waves and currents and bring natural light into the underwater spaces


converting a previously unused parking lot into a sustainable touristic hub

exploring marine life though underwater galleries at haptic & oslo works' ethical fjordarium
the transformation of the existing parking lot includes green spaces, an accessible waterfront and a new public harbor


the buildings will be built mainly from timber as well as carbon-neutral concrete

project info:


name: Fjordarium 

architect: Haptic Architects | @haptic_arch and Oslo Works | @oslo.works
client: Fornebu Brygge AS
landscape architects: BOGL – landscape architects
marine biologists: NIVA
biologists: NINA
structural engineers: NODE
submarine structural engineers: Core Marine
sustainable consultants: Vill Engergi
geotechnics and environmental pollution: NGI
mobility, water management, sound- & air pollution, climate & energy, HVAC: Rambøll
fire safety: Sweco

renderings: Aesthetica Studio

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