REFLEXIONS glass installation at Paris Design Week 2023
From September 15 to November 15, 2023, a 15-meter-high glass art installation will cast its luminous glow at the heart of the Palais Royal Garden in Paris, France. Crafted by glassmaker Emmanuel Barrois, the monumental glass scaffolding, titled REFLEXIONS, serves as a tribute to the art of construction, inviting the public to reflect on humanity’s role in shaping the world of tomorrow, as well as the intricate interplay between the tangible (the artwork itself) and the intangible (the play of light). The public artwork starts its international journey in the French capital during Paris Design Week 2023, before moving to Italy and Japan.
REFLEXIONS at the Palais Royal Garden in Paris | all images courtesy of Emmanuel Barrois
a giant kaleidoscope by Emmanuel Barrois
To create this colossal glass scaffolding, Emmanuel Barrois (find more here) has used no less than 8 tons of glass and 6,000 meters of intertwined prisms. The result sees a ‘light trap’ creating an immersive sensory experience, captivating spectators through the rainbow reflections cast on every surrounding surface.
REFLEXIONS is a manifestation of Barrois’ lifelong fascination with construction and was inspired by the Notre Dame fire— Upon witnessing the Notre Dame fire from the banks of the Seine, an unimaginable event, he decided to embark on bringing to life a concept he had nurtured within for years. The installation explores the interplay of materials and light, sparking profound questions about the role of construction, material, and humanity in an ever-changing world.
The sculpture is essentially a giant kaleidoscope paying homage to builders, reflecting Barrois’ belief in the future and posing intricate, universal questions about our place in the world of tomorrow. This monumental work, fashioned entirely from glass, embodies the essence of light and represents a promise of hope, beauty, and light. ‘To me, glass is solid light,’ Emmanuel Barrois shares.
Emmanuel Barrois has used 8 tons of glass and 6,000 meters of intertwined prisms
‘With this installation, we’ve pushed the boundaries of prior achievements,’ Barrois emphasizes. According to the glassmaker, the project required thousands of hours of manual craftsmanship and engineering, moments of uncertainty, triumphs, and a consistent driving force: self-reinvention, with an unvarying aim: surpassing oneself to create beauty. This pursuit is underpinned by a resolute aspiration—to share this creation with all audiences. ‘This is why we’ve made its access ‘free,’ allowing it to be experienced by as many individuals as possible. It’s a ‘popular’ project for the public,’ asserts Barrois. ‘Our approach involves harmonizing the finest in craftsmanship with the best in industry, thereby creating innovative projects that are otherwise unattainable,’ he adds.
REFLEXIONS is essentially a giant kaleidoscope paying homage to builders
‘to me, glass is solid light,’ Emmanuel Barrois says
the installation explores the interplay of materials and light,
close-up shot of the glass scaffolding installation
REFLEXIONS invites the public to reflect on the intricate interplay between the tangible and the intangible
Emmanuel Barrois working on REFLEXIONS
portrait of Emannuel Barrois
project info:
artist: Emmanuel Barrois
location: Palais Royal Garden, Paris, France
dates: September 15 – November 15, 2023